Can your Hosea find his Gomer
Can Zipporah find her Moses
Why does Hosea search for and want Gomer ? Because she is his wife and he loves her.
John 17:21-23
Hosea – like Yahushua He will not force you to be with him. He will not compel you to love Him.
Hosea never rejected Gomer but Gomer rejected Hosea, likewise God did not reject Israel, but Israel rejected their God.
God always worked to woo Israel back to himself.
Likewise God did not reject you, you are not rejected, but when you each turn away from the one who truly loves you.
It is YOUR free choice, it always has been and always will be your free choice whether you want to let your guard and defences down and allow Him into your life. It will always be your free choice to love him or not.
It will always be your free choice to allow him to be with you or not.
It will always be your free choice whether you allow him to love you or not.
He will never force himself on you.
He will never force his love on you.
He will never force you to accept hin.
It has always and will always your choice to accept him or not.
To be continued…