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Story Telling

Story telling. Whether it is from people telling their stories of what happened the Bible to people writing Journals or diary’s. We are looking for people with interesting stories to tell. It could be your family life history and journey to Australia. Or struggle trying to raise a family with 3 children with only one income. Or tragic loss and trying to rebuilt your life with nothing except the shirt on your back. Or trying to raise funds to buy a car while living with your Nana.

Bring your story to life and allow others to know about and share the struggles and journey with you.

Starting a low budget series of story telling of the lives of people within our community from diverse backgrounds and lived experiences lived.

Participants will be required to be video for publication in order to share their story.
Videos will be uploaded to a public platform.

Participants will not be paid for their stories. however in some extreme circumstances where participants have particular needs and requirements, a special fundraising activities could be organised for participants depending on circumstances and resource requirements.

Stories and fund raising activities will be promoted on One Red Hill . Com highlighting their stories and what the special fund raising activities will be for.

Currently One Red Hill is seeking to raise funds to help people in 4 ways. Short summary below.

Physical Needs: Help with needs of peoples physical body, accommodation, food, clothing.

Social Needs: Social interaction with people with community engaging projects and events.

Educational Needs: Not only to read and write and maths etc, but also informing about world and current events, and practical education to assist people either start their own business or to gain employment so they can provide for themselves and their family

Spiritual Needs: Sharing the truths from the scriptures, Pointing people to Christ, encouraging and supporting people. Giving people hope in a world of despair