Anyone daring to STAND UP and call this election completely and utterly RIGGED and falsified to the MAX ? Would anyone dare to or know how to legally call out an election result as rigged and tampered with to have a re-election again and to have anything that the government does between now and then as invalid ? Would anyone dare to Invoke an injunction against the current “so called” government ministers and prime minister of Australia ? At our poling station, and hearing this from many others at different locations, Those AEC staff members at the poling stations are heavy pushing people to only use their pencils, and actually telling the voters that if they put their votes in certain box’s that they WILL NOT be counted. I personally experienced this by a few of the staff at the poling station where I went to when I asked the question about the box’s which did not have a party name next to the box, and about some of the Senate paper there was no box for some groups above the line. They told me that they are invalid, you not to vote for them, if you vote for them then your vote will not be counted, you are not to vote for any which do not have a party name underneath the box above the line, if you put your number in a box above the line which does not have a party name then your vote will not be counted as it is invalid and you must only vote for a party, also you are not to vote for those under the line which are not with a party as your vote will not be counted as it is invalid, and if you vote under the line who have no box above the line then your vote will not be counted. This was reiterated to me on numerous times by a few AEC staff I asked and enquired this about. I also was approached and strongly encouraged to use their pencils by their staff.
When I was in the booth to vote – I heard from another Elector asking the very same question I had just asked to a different AEC Staff Member and they were being told the very same thing as I had been told a few minutes earlier
Strangely enough according to the results in our area, and in many other electorates here in Victoria and in other states, it is as though nobody voted for the people who were not aligned with labor or liberal. How is this when many are sternly against these 3 main party groups of Labor Liberal and Greens. Mathematically the results do not make sense – nor does it add up correctly.
Would anyone dare to or know how to legally call out an election result as rigged and tampered with to have a re-election again and to have anything that the government does between now and then as invalid ? Would anyone dare to Invoke an injunction against the current “so called” government ministers and prime minister of Australia ?
The false information being told by many at the poling stations about the legitimacy of voting for certain candidates as informal vote and will not be counted, strong pushing of pencils ( maybe issue that ONLY PENS BE USED AT ELECTIONS ). I spoke to others after the election about this past election, and those who had brought their own Pen in to use to mark their Ballot Papers were told by the AEC Staff at the poling stations that they are to only use pencil as using a pen will make the vote invalid. They were also told that if they only mark 1 box above the line then their vote will not be counted. Despite that page 38 & 40 on the official AEC voting handbook clearly states that the 1 vote above the line is a legitimate vote to be counted as it is called a Vote “Saver”.
Would anyone dare to put in some form of injunction against the government from doing anything while someone can put in a case to have a re-election due to severity of fraud and misinformation and etc being told to voters at the poling stations by AEC staff.
I heard them telling the same thing to others there, and I heard from others afterwards at other poling stations around Victoria and Queensland and I’m sure elsewhere around the country AEC staff are telling others that their votes will not be counted if they vote for certain candidates or number certain box’s. How half a million or a million or more votes in Victoria at the very minimum could not even get one independent Senator voted in when 6 seats are up for grabs and 4,362,793 electors in Victoria. which means need about 700,000 votes for 1 Senate seat. Evidence, there is tons of it, so why could this not be taken to court for a re-election with an injunction ?
And then work towards getting true real people from within your community who is someone you know who will truly represent you and your community and not apart o some party line organisation which only there to serve the interest of the party adjenda and not the true people within your own home community, and put them up as a true candidates to run and be elected for the Victoria Election in November. And not a plant from the enemy.
Are you ready to join for the battle ?
This is a war whether people think it is or not.
As one Melbourne Rally Protester sign reads,