Are You Reconcilable ?
Brisbane Suburbs, Weather Wise, be prepared for a Few Heavy Wet Days. ( ask yourself – How Do We Know ? Or ask yourself – How Did You Not Know In Advance )
Brett Sutton Court Case Regarding ILLEGAL Lockdowns and etc looking to set a precedent in Australia which would have ripple effect on every single lockdown and mandate fine issued – including setting a precedent for ALL Australia and also especially Queensland.
The Judge has not been able to hand down her decision in the case due to the massive implications it has for all Australian jurisdiction.
In the darkest places of earth with the harshest lockdowns and restrictions in the world, light is springing up to shine the way forth to the rest of Australia and the rest of the world as a beacon of light in a dark place. The Land Of The Holy Spirit may still live on.
Victorians – Queenslanders and all of Australians – Hold on, keep the faith, turn to God in Christ Jesus the Messiah – He has not forgotten you, He has not left you as orphans. As a Loving Husband and Father, God has not forgotten you and in His time he will come for you.
Hold on – Hold the line – Have Faith – Trust In God – Trust In Messiah – Christ Is Coming And His Reward Is With Him.
Give rise to new organs and make changes to humans ( this is old technology now – Imagine what they are able to do to you now. 6G which is as you all are aware is the internet of internal bodys, where every aspect of your body will be on computer for all to see and alter the very existence of those who have had this miniature robots injected into them, as the manufacturers say it will be done through vaccines, and even vaccines through either injection via syringe, or via micro pins via a patch which then which makes thousands of micro injections into your skin to deliver anything that the programmer programs them to do. technology is now available where one can read the mind of another via 6G and the internet of internal body of things. Creating a neruolink between man kind and machine through singularity.
If all else will still not convince you – look at how his ears have completely changed.
Then once you see that, you will see all the other differences between the 2 different faces ( oh – 3 different faces, yes there is 3 different Joe Biden faces – one has massive amount of large wrinkles on the sides of his forehead and a different type of ear again )
Australia has a number of these types of presentations also in various places.
Philippians 4
7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Fear not for I am with you says the Lord
You believe in God believe in me also says Yahushua
For I have ovegcome the world
For in Christ Messiah You Are a new creation
We will rise with Christ
Fear not them who can kill the body and do no more
For I WILL raise you up at the last day says our Redeemer.
To you who overcome this world he will raise you up to live in his fathers kingdom
Where there will be no more pain and no more sorrow
Through Messiah all your former tribulations and troubles you will no longer remember.
Through Messiah all HIS promises are assured and true.
Coming to Messiah and through Messiah you will receive blessings that you will not have room enough to contain them.
As a mother would love her child born to her – so much more is God to you who he put you together in your mothers woumb.
Fearfully and wonderfully and incredibly designed – made and put together are you.
You are so special and unique are you there is no other like you.
A New Beginning – Love – Faith – Hope – Unity.
A new story, story of hope and faith and love and unity.
Do you have a story to tell ? maybe its about a time when you went shopping and were a few $$ short of what you were needing, and along the way to the shops you found a $10 note in the grass along the footpath which was exactly what you were needing.
Or perhaps you were at the post office paying a bill and you met someone who you have not seen in 20 years and the 2 of you hit it off so good that you are having dinner together tonight.
Or maybe you reunited with a long lost love, or someone found a precious jewelry you thought you lost a year ago at the beach and they returned it to you.
Whatever the story, whatever the good news story that is inspiring and uplifting, we would like to hear of it, we may do a video of it for you and present it here, or we could type a blog story of your inspiring event.
If you have a true honest just pure lovely just good virtuous praise worthy uplifting story that you would like to share, we would love to hear about it, and share with others so that they too can be inspired by your wonderful story.
Did you go on holiday and meet the love of your life and you got married and now have a couple wonderful children ? You had to be somewhere and someone came along and gave you a lift to an important job interview and thank to them you got your dream job ?
Bring back good news reporting to our community.
Link to Inspirational Stories in our Menu above.
Our First Inspirational Story Is A Letter ( Click This Link To Access Story )
Sexual abuse of children report video below – Youth worker – Caution F word dropped Lurnpa Multiple times, but reports of MANY children being sexually abused.