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“New & different information on different subjects to give you an adventure”

“Technology information”

If someone is telling you the truth & someone else is trying to stop them from telling you the truth, then who loves you more ?

Television & Reception

A Desert Trip to Morocco

Convection Ovens

Quick Facts on Trekking Everest Base Camp


Soak in the sight of Table Mountain

Dash Cams & Rear / Reversing Cameras

A Canoe Safari on the Whanganui River

SD Cards & USB Memory Devices

Surfing Costa Rica: Nicoya Peninsula 4×4 Road Trip

AM & FM Radios & Reception

Horseback Riding & Cuban Tobacco Farms In Viñales

CB Radios

Trekking The Arctic Circle Trail in Greenland

Solar Panels

Where to Stay in Iceland: Best Hotel In Rajkjavik & Beyond

DC to AC Inverters

Don’t Miss These 5 Spectacular Sights in Scotland

“Different adventures in Australia”


A Desert Trip to Morocco


Quick Facts on Trekking Everest Base Camp

Story bridge across Brisbane river, Brisbane CBD in the background with businesses & apartment. Ferry on the Brisbane River.

Soak in the sight of Table Mountain


A Canoe Safari on the Whanganui River


Surfing Costa Rica: Nicoya Peninsula 4×4 Road Trip


Communist State of Victoria: Almost guaranteed to be violently assaulted & injured by police.


Trekking The Arctic Circle Trail in Greenland


Where to Stay in Iceland: Best Hotel In Rajkjavik & Beyond


Don’t Miss These 5 Spectacular Sights in Scotland

“International adventures of different countries”


A Desert Trip to Morocco


Quick Facts on Trekking Everest Base Camp


Soak in the sight of Table Mountain


A Vicarious walk downtown urban area

Papua New Guinea

Expect The Unexpected: Costal or Highlands: Always A New Adventure


Horseback Riding & Cuban Tobacco Farms In Viñales


Trekking The Arctic Circle Trail in Greenland


Where High tech meets Rual poverty: The blending of two worlds

West Papua

Don’t Miss These 5 Spectacular Sights in Scotland

Did you know that in the United States Of America book of medicine that Coronavirus is registered as a common cold. This is long before C19 ever existed.

you all already know C19 is a copyrighted flu virus.

And also you know nobody is able to copyright a natural occuring genit pattern.

People and corporatjons can only copyright something that man kind has created.

Not something that is natural or occurs naturalkg through nature

Did you know THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA is a registered coporation UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION which is owned by a corporation in the UK which is owned by the vatican.

Did you know THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA is registered location is on Norfolk Island, meaning the legal location of where THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA is is infact Norfolk Island and not the land area south of Papua New Guinea and West Papus.

The Australian Government is registered location is in Norfolk Island, and as a corporation it can not own or rule over the land or the sovereign people of that land unless that individual is registered as a subject of that corporation. It can not enforce laws or detain or enforce penalty or govern the lives of the soverign people of the land of terra australis as it is not legally Australia by international law. If it tried to impose anything onto its people, eg, fines – detain – harm – take something from them, whether it be property or otherwise, its treason.

Does anyone know the penalty for treason ?

Talk about Dictator dan