To Be Continued
Watch the brutal assault by 3 officers who assaulted Drummers by dislocating their thumb, repeatedly pushing then backwards dows stairs and inappropriately pushing female Drummer on her chest by male officers
There is a global war – and the war is over YOU ! !
Matthew 24:21
21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be
Daniel 12:1
12 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book
Revelation 12:12
Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
We are living in a time of troubles unlike ever before.
Traditionally all wars in long time history has always been one nation against another. The people would usually be poor and consume the entertainment provided to them by their rich leaders to ensure they focus on fun and entertainment while they exercise more power and influence over the masses. And for a few measly pieces of money or food the masses will say and do whatever the rich and powerful want them to say and do. Even if it means they will be famous for a day at the expense of others.
This is not what Gods true calling for you was to be.
Like modern day eugenics – their plan is to control and eliminate the lower class populations with constant wars and famine – and now pestilence through modern day germ warfare.
Now through their vast expansion into multiple nations and heading majority of all political parties and governments and businesses and news and religion and education.
As you would have heard time and time and time again on the main stream media they are trying their best to separate families, they openly telling people on their tv programs to tell YOUR own family that they are not wanted, they are to stay away. Separating brothers and sisters and dads and mums and husbands and wives and sons and daughters and grand parents and uncles and aunties and every other relationship, they are working to make you dependent on the government as your family – as your provider, and to have you alienated from your own family.
They are through the family courts making it so easy for husbands and wives to be divorced for no reason, they are making it so easy for children to divorce their parents and become a ward of the state.
They are wanting you to make the government as your parent guardian big brother and saviour and provider. To create for you a problem and then provide to you the solution to the problem they created, and then to make you grateful for their provisions, and alienating you from your family.
Families are being separated over the jabs that are going into peoples arms, yes many millions have died from it all around the world, millions of jabs are beginning to be recalled by those who know what is in them and want to protect their communities, yet the powers that be still want to inject each person with a toxin to every single man woman and child through the ( if we told you – you would not believe us ), but in the words of Yuval Harari humans are hackable creatures – through technology and the rolling out of 6G, yes thats right, 6G is already designed and to be rolled out after 5G, 6G in the human internal of things. Specifically designed to be a 2 way communication device technology to control and check modify every single aspect of the human body – from the blood to the brains thoughts. Thats a rabbit hole you can look into.
Lets work together to create a truly enriching life for you and others, separate from the controlled matrix. Lets work together to reverse the damage society has done to all, to reverse the enslavery.
The world has worked very well to separate and alienate all members of the family one from another, and separate friends one from another.
Lets work together to unify the family, to bring back and unite fathers and sons back together, to unite daughters and mothers back together, to unite fathers with their daughters and sons to their mothers, and unite brothers and sisters and husbands and wives back together.
People are looking for instant gratifications, quick feel good and move on if it not satisfying.
Lets take the example of our Messiah self sacrificing love. Have you ever been willing to literally sacrifice everything for the one you love, even despite what is best for you. Lets look at your pride and self righteousness and self preservation and preferring for your own comfort than that which is more radical, if you spare me this one moment of apparent silliness.
Our Messiah, King of kings – Ruler of heaven and earth, higher than any other highest position.
This world is full of nay sayers, full of pacifist, full of sit on their behind do nothing unfaithful incompetent unfaithful untrustworthy unruly unreliable lazy good for nothing looser no hopers, and there is thousands of them all around.
But we are not talking about them, we are talking about you, and how to through the power of the messiah restore your joy and happiness and family unity. To fill your life to be full of love and joy and peace and hope, despite this wicked time we are living in. To restore your family, to generate your thinking and to not have TV dictate to you what and how you must think, Remember God did say to us in Isaiah 1:18 to come and let us reason together. Is that possible for you ? is it possible for you to be reasonable and use logic and common sense and live in truth and righteousness ? Come and let us reason together. you have within you the means and ability to rebuild and restore your great loving relationships.
Satan knows his time is short. Therefore in the last days he convince people he and God does not exist, therefore what is right and wrong are suggestive and try to make you dependant on him and his government system. You forgotten you were designed to be strong – soverign and true.
You are totally unaware that there is a war for your soul, a war for you. Its a spiritual war, and its being faught by the one who loves you more than you love yourself. And the weapons of this warfare are not physical that you can pick up and use against your enemy. But they are powerful weapons being deployed none the less.
Look at the Messiah – he defeated death by dying on a cross for you.
You may not physically see or hear or notice, but there is a war going on for your soul. The battle has been won, though the war for your heart mind body and soul is still being played our, and only you get to decide if the war for you is won or lost. The victory is won, but the battle outcome truly depends on you.
You are beautiful fearfully and wonderfully made. You are the crowning glory Cherry on top of creation to tender to and look after this planet.
Are you going to turn to the left or are you going to turn to the right, or come join us in an amazing great adventure