The war for Australia
The war for you.
Have you ever submitted yourself under the authority of someone else and been faithful and true to your commitment to that person you submitted yourself to ?
Commitment to Australia and the Australian people.
We continue to stand up to defend you and your rights even if you will not.
True love cast out all fear.
They bash us, they kick us, they hit us, they push us, they body slam and throw us head first to the ground, they knee us, they choak us, they shoot us, they steal from us, they lie about us, they pepper spray us, they defame us, they injure us, they violently attack us, they drive vehicles into us, they push us over backwards to the ground, they push us backwards down steps, they body tackle and body slam into us, they damage our body ligaments and bones and muscles, they hospitalised us, and much much more. We are still standing and not going anywhere. We stand up for your freedom and ours and for the future generation’s of your children.
We stand with the promises of God almighty creator of heaven and earth and the saviour and redeemer of the lives of humanity who have put their trust in him.
Lets together make a better life for you and me and the future generations, instead of this current militarised tyrannical brutal police state.
To be a free living man or living woman God created us to be.
Together with Gods Love and with God living in us All things are possible, and through us we can do anything and endure anything through Christ who strengthened us.
Why is the year 1973 so significant and what does it mean to you ?
Why is 2022 so significant and what does it mean for you ?
Devices / Design
1. Media. 2. Political. 3. Access To Medical. 4. Education Restrictions. 5. Employment Restrictions. 6. Travel Restrictions. 7. Trade Restrictions. 8. Entry Into buildings / Shops Restrictions. 9. Access To Government Servives Restrictionss. 10. Isolate / Separate Sectors / Districts. 11. Isolate / Separate / Alienate Families One From Another. 12. Artificial Food. 13. Register Every Man – Woman – Child – Baby. 14. Indoctrinate Dog Latin. 15. Isolate / Separate All Persons One From Another In Public. 16. Enforce People Stay at Home. 17. Spread False Mass Fear In Community. 18. Compulsory Mass Conscription In Enforcing All To Partake In A Procedure. 19. Strict Hard Corporation Police Policy Enforcement.
Violators of above mentioned policy procedures to be bashed up to initiate fear and compliance and then to be imprisoned.
Sound familar ?
Oh Queensland Queensland, oh how I am so glad I am not in Queensland – at this moment.
Insanity – Insanity, anastasia palaszczuk, how much debt it is going to put the Queensland state into for insanity to destroy Queensland.
Insanity of insanity. Another 62 Billion dollar debt to build the green energy grid. But the insanity is the power to supply that grid.
Lets look at the reality.
Queensland is a rich Coal industry state which gets much of its revenue from sending Coal to china so China can power and supply the energy it needs to run its country.
I am all for protecting the Earth and etc. But lets look at reality.
Carbon that burning coal produces is bad or good ?
Well it produces carbon dioxide into the environment. That’s bad right ?
Trees need Carbon Dioxide to grow and convert the carbon dioxide into breathable oxygen. The more Carbon Dioxide, the more green trees will grow.
Unfortunately nitrogen is in some places being released into the environment, other places nitrogen is in short supply.
Healthy green plants need nitrogen to grow food.
I am not promoting the burning of Coal, nor am I condemning the burning of Coal. But Queensland and north east of NSW are large areas of Coal dependent communities.
Queensland will continue to send tons and tons of coal to China to burn to produce electricity, but Australia as a while is less than 1% of the carbon dioxide emissions.
So Queensland is going to be getting China to build the windmills to be sent to australia.
Windmill blades only have a few years use life before they need to be replaced and burried in the ground. They do not biodegrade.
The Windmill parts and so forth take up more energy to create than the windmill itself will ever produce in its lifetime, then you need to replace the parts again, and then use more coal power electricity to create the windmill parts than the windmill will ever create. then its burried again in a few more years.
Lets look at it another way. I am going into business to make something to sell.
Lets consider $$ as electricity power creation and usage.
To mine out the materials alone that I would need to create the item I am going to sell cost me $100.
Then I need to refine it into materials like plastics and metals etc, that cost me another $100.
Then I need to get engineers to take the metals and mold them and shape them and design them into the parts I need to create the item I am wanting to sell. That cost me another $100
Then I make the different bits I need to assemble the item to become the product I am wanting to sell, that cost me another $100.
Then I transport the bits to the place where I will be selling it and have them assemble it there to sell. That cost me another $100.
Now its at the shop and I sell it and I make $250 from my sale.
I sell these items once every 5 years, so I need to make another item to sell in 5 more years time, that will cost me another $500 to make one, then I can sell it for $250.
But hey, my customer wants me to sell to them 100 of my items, that means I could make $25,000 worth of sales, great, lets start manufacturing, although it will cost me $50,000
The amount of energy used in producing the windmills in this example is 500 watts each, but the item only produces 250 watts of power in its entire lifetime at maximum usage. But windmills are not always producing power when there is no wind, so that 250 will be less.
So I am burning coal to produce 500 watts of electricity to create a windmill that will only ever at best produce 250 watts of power.
One may say, but we may use the windmill power to make more windmills. But thats where the problem is, The wind is not consistent and is not always wind to generate power through the windmills.
And more importantly, the windmills do not even make enough power to make another windmill.
There is another problem. The Grid. The Charging for electric vehicles.
I am not sure if anyone has looked into it, but the environmental disaster and lives of the miners who dig up the Cobalt needed to create the Electric car batteries is VERY dangerous and at least 20 % is done by young children with their bare hands and no safety equipment or personal protective gear. No shoes no socks, no gloves, no protective eyewear or protective clothing, absolutely none of that, and the rare earth metals they dig up is not safe to handle, would you handle lead and mercury in your hands ?
These Electric car batteries need to be replaced every few years, they need to be on charge for about an hour at best, and if you have anything that has a battery, you know in the beginning it holds it charge, but wears out and so forth over time, and after a few years you will need to replace your electric car battery for a brand new one.
The batteries can not be recycled, its landfill, toxic landfill.
The cost of the batteries are extravagant.
Then you have charging issues and how long they take to charge, and depending on how much weight in your vehicle, how far you will be able to go before you need to go to another charge station to wait till your car recharges.
Then there is the issue of if your car breaks down because of faulty battery that ran out of power. You surely can not get a battery jerry can to go to your nearest recharge station to replace the battery, or a 500 km extention cord if your car broke down without charge a long way from any charging station.
Then there is how car you can go on a full charge, If you have a family with you and you go for a 500 km distance for camping holiday or for work or whatever, and you have all your gear with you, then you would have to stop every 200 km to re charge again.
Could you imagine if you were in Brisbane and you were going on a trip to Bundaberg or Rockhampton or Mackay ? Could you imagine how many stops you would have to make to recharge your vehicle, and how much longer it would take to finally get to your destination with all that few extra hours just waiting for your car to charge.
Then there is 2 other problems.
- where are you going to get all the extra power needed to charge all the cars ? the infrastructure spend and build would be huge. Hence why maybe the 62 Billion dollar debt to build something.
- Normally when you go to a Petrol Station you spend 5 or 10 minutes there, fill up your car with fuel then leave, and someone else takes the place where you were and they fill up and then leave, and so forth. Sometimes you have to wait for a few cars to take their turn for you to use the Petrol Pump.
Now Imagine how may people use the Petrol Pumps every hour, and they all have to wait an hour or so or more to recharge their cars. so you are there with about another 50 or 100 other cars that were there that hour At your local Petrol Station / Charging Station all waiting for your cars to be charged.
Now think of the grid and all that extra power that is needed to not only power up your air conditioners and refrigeration etc, now there is a double of useage for all the cars.
This would mean that ALL the power cables and power lines and supply lines from the power stations to all the locals who need it MUST be made so much more chunkier to handle all that extra power that will be needed and demand for all the extra cars needing massive charging.
Windmills and solar power is not enough base load to cover the need of electricity that would ne needed, ESPECIALLY since each of the “Green” power uses more power in its creation than they would ever produce in its lifetime of serviceable usage.
Everyone would be better off that the power that went into creating the windmills to be used directly to supply the Grid instead, less environmental waste, Remember, after a few short years the blades and so forth of windmills need to be replaced.
And Queensland is going into massive debt to try and build this disaster.
This extra 62 Billion dollars of Queensland State Debt, on top of their already about 100 billion, this means that for every single man and woman and child and baby in Queensland will be in debited almost and extra $32,000 each. Where is the money coming from to pay for all this new infrastructure ? Power bills will surely go through the roof. Or something else will have to give to pay for the extra $32,000 for every single man and woman and child and baby in Queensland. While Queensland still selling its Coal in large quantities to China who are continually building new Coal Powered power stations every few weeks. China will continue to have cheap reliable power supply, where as Queensland power will ne very expensive and very unreliable.
Oh Queensland Queensland anastasia palaszczuk, you crazy globalist chook, you truly are out to destroy Queensland and the lives of Queenslanders.
Its about time the chook got plucked
National Day Of Mourning Public Holiday
One Year to this very day when Australia changed
Today commemorates One Year since riot police opened fire shooting rubber bullets indiscriminately into a crowd of unarmed Australian citizens fleeing an onslaught of rubber bullets by police at the Melbourne shrine of remembrance 22/09/2021
Lest We Forget
The Covi HOAX
In an Australian court australian health minister admots under oath that they and everyone they work with and everyone in the health indistury have never had or seen or knows anyone who has – or who has ever had a single drop of the Covi.
In addition to this in court all the Covi health laws – Health Act which was used to A) no jab no job B) social distance C) jab jab D) lockdowns E) fines F) arrest G) all the other enforcements under the health act had never been ascended, meaning they had never truly or properly signed into law. This means each and every single action that was taken in relation to Covi and jab jab is unlawful and unwarranted.
Why is that interesting for you is every negative – adverse reaction caused to you – you would be due compensation by those who enforced it.
Interesting times ahead.
Other news, due to massive government borrowing and interest rate rises, and new government bonds issued and the RBA buying bonds, it has caused ( without getting into details which would go for 10 times longer ) the RBA has virtually run out of reserve currency – although it technically trade while insolvent. The RBA can just print more money and significantly increase the money supply to create more bonds to buy back the bonds and deflate the currency and increase inflation. This lack of currency and lack of printing currency can cause a financial crises as where banks will not have currency / cash at its banks. This would mean for a period of time banks will and must close down to prevent a run on the banks as people rush to get their money out as banks do not have enough cash to cover people coming to withdrawl their currency / cash from their bank accounts due to fractional reserve. This will cause banks to close for a period of time. Worst case scenarios – permanently.
Banks hot having enough reserve currency or enough funds to continue its fay to day operations it could be the vrry event which could trigger the event for the banks to ensct the Bail In laws and take and keep peoples money that is in their bank account to bail out the bank itself. Meaning the money in peoples bank accounts will be removed from their bank accounts and used to bail out the banks financial problems.
For your sake
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed, always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.
2 Corinthians 4:7-11
As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
Romans 8:36-37
I / You / We CAN Do All things through Christ Jesus who strengthens Me / You / Us.
Philippians 4:13
Video below showing how they want you dead, and how they are wanting to do it.
Be prepared -they are coming for your children very soon.
If your child has a “Birth Certificate” – HIDE IT . Legally a “Birth Certificate” in Law is a certificate of a “stillborn child”. Meaning it died, Each Registered Birth has an account allocated to it. That account is registered as a “Person Entity Corporation” and THAT registered corporation is daily brought and sold on the stock market. Its a Corporation – A Strawman – Heavily Insured for a LOT of money.
If your name or your child name is for eg. John Smith or Jane Smith. You are NOT JOHN SMITH or MR JOHN SMITH. You are NOT JANE SMITH or MIS JANE SMITH or MISS JANE SMITH or MZ JANE SMITH. This is a registered corporation at a childs birth with characters that are all capitalised. Incidentally this is high treason against the law ( Jail Time because it violates the law of the founders who wrote the law at the nations foundation ) It is High treason – even though you or someone else may not think it is over such an issue.
A Birth Certificate gives the register legal ownership of a dead entity since a Birth Certificate is a registry of all stillborn children – Not a Living Child. Living children by yLAW do not get registered – incidentally – because it is A) Living & B) The Property of the Father and Mother. A Registered Dead Child is owned by the registery and is a little more than medical waste, which do not get given a birth certificate ( as is the case with any type of abortion – even full time and beyond abortions ).
If they come for your children – Do not call your child by the Registered Name such as JOHN SMITH or JANE SMITH as in example above, as that Strawman name is owned and registered with THEM.
If you assign that registered name to your child, or claim that mane for yourself, then you are accepting that this Strawman JOHN SMITH or JANE SMITH is you or your child – when infact it is not. At best your name would be John or Jane “Only And Nothing Else”. Better still under their legalese you are a “Living Man” or a “Living Woman” or the child is “That is My Property”.
This may sound weird. But it may be the very thing that keeps your child with you when those who are coming after for your children arrive to take your child.
Un-incorporate yourself from the Strawman Corporation of “JOHN SMITH” / “MR JOHN SMITH” or “Miss JANE SMITH” or “MIS JANE SMITH” or “MZ JANE SMITH”.
A Number Of People I know personally – They have a few close dear ones in Hospitals who are ALL having heart failure problems at this moment
ALL From “Unknown Causes”
May God Almighty Creator Of Heaven & Earth Live Within Your Heart & Mind & Spirit.

And Quest
The Aussie Cossack is to be released from Jail TODAY 16 / 09 / 2022
Australian governments banning christianity from christian schools and lgbtqip+ to be required within christian school’s
Prairie – They now giving children in school classrooms packets of different flavoured crickets to eat – the WEF have been promoting to get the worlds populations to eat bugs and no other animals – now here they are indoctrinating your children in schools without parents knowledge or consense – but wait there is more to come – for precaution reasons we will not share on this platform.
Mark it in your Diary & on your Calander, 26 September – A Very Special Day. FOT.

Mark it in your Diary & on your Calander, 5 october – A Very Special Day. Yom Kippur.
Did you know ? Click Here.
The WEF have just released – because not enough people took the vaccine they say that now they looking what is fundamental for all life – WATER is on their radar saying it is fundamental for life of every man woman and child, and beause not enough people took the vaccine that they will now need to focus on water as a climate change to make everyone know what it means to be thirsty – for even a child to know what it means to be thirsty.
What they have planned – that we do not know, but the language they are using saying that because not enough people took the vaccine now they need to focus on something else to point to climate change which is fundamental to all life of every man and woman and child – that even a child knows what it would mean to be thirsty.
If your precious little child has never known what it means to be thirsty, yet the WEF is saying that every child would know what it means to be thirsty. What are they saying ? what are they meaning ? Why would your child come to know what it means to be thirsty ?
Are they planning a water supply problem ? Pretty much all australia water supply dams are full. Are they planning to make a shortage ? a contamination ? a supply issue ? blame the pipes like they did in NSW a few years ago ? Yet they are saying they are going to be putting it down to “climate change”.
So what is it that they are planning to do to the water supply which they will be wanting to link it to “climate change” ?
The mere fact that they have told everyone their plans should be enough reason to tell everyone else about their plans, so when there ever is a water supply problem, or a water issue, or any crisis to do with your water supply – which they want to put down to – climate conditioning – Climate change – climate modification – water purity or water safety etc. You will know that it has been planned before hand just like Bill Gates telling us during the height of C19 that there is a few more pandemics to come in the next year ( meaning this year and last year ). So Stay Alert – Stay Vigilant – know that your enemy is like a roaring lion seeking who to devour.
They have told you before hand about the food shortages and now the water crises. Br Prepared.
May the God of peace who surpasses all understanding be with you and guide and protect you against all the darts of the evil one – the God who loves you and has has you name before him every day. You are on his mind and he has millions of great plans to bless and prosper you. Open your heart and invite God of the Love and Mercy and Hope and Peace enter and dwell with you and will you with his Grace.
Which Narrative are YOU buying into ?
There is now in the world 2 Main Denominate Narratives
Government Fear Porn & Digital ID & Endless variants & endless vaccines
Hope & Trust In Messiah Yahushua Jesus and His protection & soon arrival
Irish Teacher Jailed After Not Playing Along With Usage Of ‘Gender Neutral’ Pronouns