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Make Love – Grace – Mercy – Faith & Truth Be Your Greates t Gift

And Ye Shall Know The Truth, And The Truth Shall Make You Free – John 8:32

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much – James 5:16

Doctor William Bay of Queensland – Absolute Legend

So Good To Hear Him Talk & Courageously & Bravely

Speak Up For His Patients & For All People All Over Australia

Will You Be As Brave & Courageous As Doctor William Bay ?


Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. ( Matthew 10:28 )

We must obey God rather than men! The God of our fathers raised Jesus from the dead–whom you had killed by hanging him on a tree. God exalted him to his own right hand as Prince and Savior that he might give repentance and forgiveness of sins. ( Acts Of The Apostles 5:29-31 )

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. ( Acts Of The Apostles 4:12 )

More government heads of state around the world arrested / resign – NZ PM angry about police looking into C19 jabs and deaths, now Germany doing the same, mandates around the world are dropping – however Queenslanders and Canberrians and Victorians and South Australians getting more hammered by their out of controk corporation government making new outrageous policies for people to be forced to obey. Families need and must stick together more than ever – Revelations 12:12.

Some people still do not recognise they are fighting against the wrong side – despite themselves.

Those who remain faithful to the end will be saved. Remain true – virtue – faithful.

Do You Live With Fear Or With Hope ?

You – You who are reading this – Do You Know You are loved so very much ? ! ! You may not realise it, but you are loved – TRULY Loved so very much – Loved so much like a husband and wife on their wedding day – like a mum loving her beloved child the moment the baby is born and put into her arms – like a man coming home and seeing his wife and child after a long separation – you are loved so very much – you are cared for very much – and you are someone of great value – even if you do not think so yourself – you are loved and a treasure in thy sight. To those who stand off at a great distance separating themselves from the great love – although you may put a great distance between yourself and the one who loves you – although you put out of your mind about the one who loves you – although you shun the love – just remember – you are loved – you are greatly loved – every moment of your life you are loved – and thought of – and are being prayed for by the lover of your soul.

Let’s Make Building & Protecting & Restoring & Strengthening & Nurturing & Caring For Children & Marriages & Families In A Loving Protected Environment Where Husband’s And Wives Work Together To Love And Care And Support And Protect And Look After Each Other And Their Children With Love And Compassion And Support With Grace.

Matthew 11:28-30

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Polyethylene glycol / Chimpanzees Virus / Modified human cells / RNA / MRNA, Lipid Nanoparticles / aborted fetal cells / Self Assembling Nano circuitry machinery are in the Jabs

Matthew 23:37 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!

Is our messiah talking about actual chickens and baby chickens when he calls out and crys out over Jerusalem ?

Or is it something else. Could you imagine his situation, he loves Jerusalem, it is his beloved city and the people in it.

He obviously not going to be in pain over brick and mortar and clay and wood and buildings rejecting him, but the people in it. If there were no people in the city, then there would be no rejection.

But it was the people and community of Jerusalem that rejected him. Obviously by his statement that he loved to embrace Jerusalem, he loves and longs to embrace the people within Jerusalem. Imagine yourself as a Husband / Wife / Dad / Mum and your own beloved partner or child rejected you. Imagine seeing your own child or your own wife or your own husband wanting nothing to do with you. Imagine you love them so much that it yearning and longing and burning inside to share your love and embrace and kiss your beloved precious child / wife / husband, but they were wanting nothing to do with you. But not only that, imagine that they were lying about you and falsely accusing you to all around them, and so much so that they were taking you to law to have you permanently once and for all arrested and taken out of their life on a permanent basis. Picture yourself in this situation and you could see it unfolding before your eyes and there was nothing you could do to stop it.

Now read Matthew 23:37 again.

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!

Our Messiah is the one saying these words about Jerusalem, the people in Jerusalem. Infact to go deeper he is saying it about you. When we know from scripture says he does not take pleasure of the death of the wicked, but they turn from their wickedness and live, from other passages such as if he had 100 sheep and you are the one sheep that wanders off, he will go searching for that one sheep that is you to bring back to his fold if you are willing, and also says there is more joy in heaven over one who turned from their sins. Just one who turns from their sins to Messiah and confesses their sins one to another, there is rejoicing in that person. As we know this happened in the life of Saul / Paul when he once was trying to kill the people of Messiah to now preaching about Messiah, Those who were persecuted by Saul are joyful and celebrated that Saul had turned and come to follow Messiah, and infact willingly gave him the right hand of friends. There is no end to the amount of blessings God has in store to bless those who come to him and come into the light that those may see that the change and work was done in them is manifested to all that what God has done for them. Instead of being ashamed and staying in darkness, they confess the truth and come into the light, and accepted by the true brethren.

Just like the story of the Prodigal Son, he had gone away for a very long time and wasted his life and spent all his fathers inheritance, but when he humbled himself and turned back to the father, he was welcomed back with much more than welcome arms, but with a great celebrational feast.

Just imagine this for yourself, you could get all your greatest dreams and desires, above what you could imagine, all for only confessing your deep dark sins to others, and allowing God to take care of your sins, and to be accepted by Gods brethren.

Remember the Prodigal Son had already confessed his sins before he actually met his father coming back to his father. He came with humility and in meekness, then got the greatest gift and celebration for him just because he was him.

You too can also experience this amazing gift of forgiveness and lift off your mind and chest a great burden and shame. You can free yourself from being scared of ridicule and rejection.

Lies that the devil convinces you of. You not good enough, you will be rejected, you will be made fun of, you are unworthy, you have committed sins too great to be forgiven, you are worthless, you are meaningless. And many other types of lies about yourself.

This stops you from confessing your sins one to another, this stops you from becoming free and truly experiencing peace and freedom and love and acceptance. Not because you are not loved or redeemable, you are loved, more than you could imagine, freedom and liberty is there for you to take, you just need to no longer believe the lies you have told about yourself, and live in the truth that you are loved, you are special, and you can be forgiven. The hen that loves you is been ready for years for you to return back to the Fathers Love, but the devil has deceived you to build a wall up between you and the lover of your soul, and deceived you with all sorts of lies about yourself and about the one who loved you.

You need to believe the truth, not what you think the truth is.

Eg, you may believe you do not have the right key for your front door of your home, so you not even going to bother to look for the key or try a key that you have – because you have totally convinced yourself that you do not have the key.

Your belief ( whether right or wrong ) dictates your actions.

Remember when the Messiah went to his own country, his own country men, Where he did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief. It wasn’t because he couldn’t, but it was because they didn’t believe, Think of it this way, if you had a problem with your cars brakes or engine, if you thought I had absolute no knowledge of anything to do with cars, would you let me try and fix your car ? Would you allow me to pull your car apart if you think I knew absolutely nothing about cars ? of course not. In the same way, it wasn’t because he couldn’t do the miracles, it was because they didn’t believe in the Messiah that they wouldn’t want or ask or allow him to do the miracles

In the same way, although you may not believe or accept that you could be forgiven and freed and are loved beyond your imagination, because you may not believe you are worthy of forgiveness, you would not be willing to confess your sins and walk into the light because of your unbelief and fear. But remember, Messiah has overcome the world, and if you are willing, you can be freed and experience a love like you have never understood or experienced or understood before

Are you willing to allow yourself to be loved ? are you willing to allow yourself to be forgiven ? are you willing to allow yourself to confess your own sins to others ? are you willing to allow yourself to be free ? are you willing to allow yourself to live a life without fear ? Are you willing to allow yourself to be free ? are you willing to allow yourself to love and are you willing to allow yourself to be loved ?

Free yourself from unbelief and unbelief.

More than half of first marriages ends in divorce – 75% instigated by women, 25% by men, Mamy both partys not agree to divorce, some both agree to divorce. 15% of divorce couples get back together, 85 % then obviously do not. Lets come together for the Glory of God work towards reducing the need and subsequently the number of divorces and increase the % of reunions in a safe loving nurturing caring environment.

An environment which protects and caters for the needs of both and all involved.

Way To Go Brisbane Soverign’s – Keep Up The Good Fight.

You are Loved – You are Special – You are Cared For – You are Important – You are Significant – You are Wanted – You are Created – You are Fearfully And Wonderfully Made – You are Beautiful – You are Incredible – You are Powerful – You are Creative – You are Needed – You are Powerful – You are Wonderful – You are Amazing – You are an Inspiration – You are Brave – You are Courageous – To The Glory Of God You Can Achieve More Than You Think Possible – You are Greater Than Your Situation

To Someone Else You are Someone Very Special, – To Someone Else You are Someone Who Is Loved So Very Much. – To Someone Else You are Someone Worth Dying For. – To Someone Else You are Very Beautiful. – To Someone Else You are an Inspiration. – To Someone Else You are Someone Who Is Courageous. – To Someone Else You are Resourceful. – To Someone Else You are Powerful. – To Someone Else You are Someone Very Important. – To Someone Else You Mean The World To Them. – To Someone Else You are Someone Who They Want To Be With. – To Someone Else You Are The World To Them. – To Someone Else You are Someone Who Is So Valuable Because You Are You. Because You Are You.

This is because You Are You despite what YOU think of yourself, this is what others and a special someone things of YOU.

The Power Of Love

True Love Will Conquer All

Learn how to re-discover the true power Living within you given to you through the power of God. I Can Do All Things Through Christ ( Not governments / Big tech / Big pharma / Not doctors ) who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13.

According to the united states department of health and human services 15,000 Medicare patients a month are killed by MD treatment according to one source in the USA, that’s 180,000 people die a year, according to them it is, you go to hospital for treatment and the doctor treats you and yo die due to that treatment that the doctor gave you, NOT from the issue you went to the hospital for, but directly from the treatment the doctor treatment. Calculating per capita for Australia population that would account for around 1,200 deaths each month in Australia due to doctor treatments. or a little over 14,000 each year in Australia people die when they go to hospitals and they get treatments from doctors.

True Love Cast Out All Fear

What is LOVE ? and why you should get it / share it.

Lets paint a few quirky scenarios. Picture a man on the day of his wedding, his wedding is about to start and he sees the woman of his dreams who he loves so very much coming towards him dressed up to become his wife. There is no fear in him, there is nothing but joy and happiness and love that the beautiful woman he loves with all his heart is coming towards him to become his wife and that he loves her so very much. There is no fear in him.

Lets picture another scenario. Picture a man on a beach or an open field and he sees hundreds of people in the distance charging towards him shooting towards his direction with guns and arrows and knives and screaming at him. There would be fear and concern within him, so much so that he would be wanting to get away from them as fast as he can. There is no love in him at this moment but fear.

Lets picture another scenario. Picture a man on a beach or on an open field and he sees hundreds of people in the distance charging towards him shouting his name in his direction and they have balloons and children and young and old people of various different ages and they are all his family that he has not seen in a year. He would be smiling and running towards them with the love and joy in his heart so much eagerly wanting to embrace them. There is no fear in him but only an overwhelming sense of love joy and happiness.

Lets picture another scenario. Picture a woman in a burning house and she is on the 3rd story of a 7 story building that is on fire and there is flames everywhere and the ceiling is collapsing and the floor below is giving way and the main exit is blocked. There would not be love consuming her heart but a dread and fear.

Lets picture another scenario. Picture a man who is coming home to his wife where they live in an apartment on the 3rd story of a 7 story apartment building. When he is near his home building he sees the entire building on fire with flames coming out of the main entrance – doors and windows. This man now has grave concerns for his wife. Because he loves his wife so very much he would without a second thought rush into the building to try and get to his wife to rescue her out of the building to safety. This is because the man has so much love for his wife that the concern for her safety and well being empowers him to not think about his own safety but for the better of his wife wellness because of his love for her. There is no fear in him entering the building on fire.

True love cast out fear, and there is no fear in love.

Lets picture another quirky scenario concerning yourself. Picture yourself if you have not seen or spoken to, or heard anything from or about your husband or wife – son or daughter – father or mother – brother or sister for many years. Then one day you saw them face to face. How would your reaction be ? If you were anyone of normal decency then you would be full of love and compassion and devotion to them and you would want to embrace them with love. There would be no fear in you.

True LOVE cast out all fear – There is no fear in LOVE – Fear is to be filled with torment. God wants you to be free to live life to your full potential, to enjoy life, and to live with and in LOVE.

There is no Fear when you are with the one you are in love with, there is no fear when you see your beloved family member there.

When you are feeling FEAR, you are not feeling LOVE.

When you are feeling LOVE, you are not feeling FEAR.

There are many who want you to live in – and with FEAR.

Know in yourself the different feelings you have when you are living with either FEAR – or with LOVE.

Take a moment to think what it is like and how you are feeling inside when you are:

Feeling Fear.

In Fear.

Feeling Love.

In Love.

With FEAR – you are in BONDAGE.

With FEAR – you are in your own GAOL.

With FEAR – you are a prisoner within yourself.

With FEAR – you are Scared.

With Love – you are FREE.

With Love – you are Liberated.

With Love – you are BRAVE

With Love – you are EMPOWERED.

Tyrannical governments wants you to live with fear, they want marriage break up’s, they want abortions, they want people to remove their reproductive organs, they want to destroy all forms of art, they want to put implants within you to track your every thought and movement and thought and purchase and everything you eat – drink – consume, they want to feed you with poisons, they want to imprison you, they want you out of the way – gone.

Do not overcome evil with evil, but overcome evil with LOVE.

There is an old saying that says – MONEY makes the world go around. But if you put a $50 note on the table and just let it sit there, it does nothing to you or for you. It literally does nothing.

There is another saying that says – LOVE makes the world go around. If you were sitting or standing infront of your husband or wife or son or daughter or brother or sister or your dad or your mum. you would see their face – their radiant smile – their glowing eyes – their warm embrace – their desire to share the best with you – their desire for you to have life in abundance of enjoyment and good things. You do not have to pay for it, you do not have to do anything for it. They do it for you for absolutely nothing because that individual has built within them the LOVE for you as we have mentioned above.

If since that individual has nothing but the desire for the very best things for you, what would your response and feeling towards them be ?

Become Liberated.

Become Free.

Become Brave.

Become Empowered.

Face your fears head on and you can tell fear that fear is not the boss of you.

There are people who live in fear all their lives. Its debilitating. Its restrictive. Its demoralizing.

Fear is a THIEF.

Fear is robbing you blind.

Fear is taking away your joy and peace and happiness in your life.

Love brings you joy and peace and happiness in your life.

Imagine you know something to be true. You know something to be right. You know something is wrong. You know something is not correct. But you say and do nothing because you are scared and in fear of the consequences.

Embrace the Love Feeling and become renewed, born again, a new creation. Become Empowered.

Many people will never face their fears because they are scared and fearful of their wrongs being exposed. but expose your wrongs and your fears to then become empowered by them. By facing your fears and exposing them – you become even more powerful and unstoppable force and people will be drawn to you and will back and support you. You become a type of leader / role model where people can look up to for support and encouragement because you will have something that they do not have.

True love for others will cast out fear and you can stand up for others, from someone as little and defenseless as a growing baby in the mothers tummy, to a 6ft 4 in muscle bound body builder. Yes even a 4 ft 5 in individual with love and strength and confidence can easily stand up to and over power a 6 ft 4 in body builder.

Love is the most powerful thing in the universe. Almost anything can be done through Love.

But those without love do not have the power that comes with having Love. Therefore they would have to try and get their power through sapping the love out of others and casting their fears onto you. Many do this through various of different manipulative and evil ways.

But in all things – Always walk in love. Freely giving of yourself to others without expecting anything in return because of your care and compassion for others – purely because of the reason that they are them.

As we said before, Fear is a Thief, it is robbing from you. Like a weekly rubbish collection – put your fear outside your home and leave it there. Do not bring it back in, it only wants to bring you down.

But like your weekly grocery shopping you bring into your home – bring Love into your home – put it in your refrigerator – put it in your cupboards – put it in your bedrooms – put it in your livingrooms – put it in your bathrooms – put it in your toilets – put it in your hallways – put it in your front and your back yards – put it in your car – and put it in every other area of your home and lives. Live it – Breath it – Drink from it – Feed off of it – May love completely surround your life and engulf you. Leave no place for fear or the enemy of your soul.

Let Love be in your heart, and in your words, and in all that you do. Let not there be any spite or anger or hostility be within you.

Even if someone were to wrong you in a little or a lot, forgive, even Messiah forgave those who were putting him on the tree / cross / stake. Do not take vengeance on yourself, but let vengeance belong to the Creator of the universe, as you know his judgements is always best.

You remember the life of John the Baptist / Yochanan the Immerser ? he preached that it was unlawful for Herod to have his brothers wife and Herod had him arrested and put in jail for it. Because she left her first husband and married someone else, which is against Gods laws and is called an adulterous and those who will not enter the kingdom of God according to the Bible, Likewise Herod married a woman who is divorced which is also adultery and those who do such things will not enter the kingdom of God according to the Bible, therefore that is why John / Yochanan was strongly preaching against it. Which ultimately got him arrested and beheaded.

But what should we do in such cases ? If someone has wronged us so much, what should we do about it ? Lets say for eg, If you were the first husband of the woman who left her husband to be with Herod, or if you were John / Yochanan who was arrested wrongfully, What should you do about it ? Again lets look at scripture. Scripture says:

Matthew 5:44-45

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

One may think, it says to pray for them who do those bad things to you, therefore you would pray for all sorts of terrible things to fall onto them. Lets make a hypothetical situation. Lets say for as in the situation with Herod and the wife of his brother that he took for his own. Obviously I’m sure the true husband of the woman in this situation would not be happy about this woman, though this is an assumption to make a point. Lets say this man who’s wife left him for Herod ( for whatever situation or scenario ). The original husband in this type of situation could take this verse and say, I am going to pray for her and Herod and their friends and family to have this terrible thing fall upon them and pray that they have this and that problem plague them for ever.

They in theory if they take that verse by itself it may assume correct, praying all terrible things fall upon their enemies. But is this what it is saying ? Remember our creator is kind to both the just and unjust, the Godly and the ungodly. There is no partiality in Gods favour. If God blesses the unjust with goodness, would it not likewise follow that to show what sort of person in your heart that you too would reflect Gods character and pray blessings on your enemies ?

Picture a modern scenario, and this has literally happened number of times. Who has had a boss at work who was an evil vindictive predator who only lives to make life a living hell for other employees, or always giving you grief and problems and lie about you and do all sorts of wrong unjustifiable things to cause you harm or problems in one way or another.

Instead of praying may they trip over their own shoe lace or something, why not pray for them to get something they like and want ? This has worked many times in real life and even for myself when I have had terrible lying abusive bosses. Pray that they find a better job elsewhere and leave. Pray that they no longer your boss and you are under someone else’s authority. It strangely does work a number of times.

Imagine you praying for your terrible boss to get another job elsewhere, and within a few months they have tendered their resignation and will be leaving to work at a different company. Or you pray for them to get a different job and now you find out that they have been assigned a different position of authority and you now have a different boss over you who is much better than the previous.

What is your pray life ? is it involving hate and bitter and vengeance ? or is it for forgiveness and grace and blessings for the others ?

In all things do unto others as you would want the others to do for you. How would you like others to pray for and about you ?

Pray for Good things for others, whether they are your beloved friends and family, or your bitter enemies.

Pray Good things for your boss’s whether they are good or bad. Pray Good things for your family members whether you like them or not.

Pray Good things for your children whether they are infants or fully grown adults. Pray Good things for the Herod’s and the Herodians who are in or not in your life. Pray for the corrupt evil world leaders who are planning to eliminate humanity from the planet. Pray Good things for family members who have walked out of your life. Pray Good things for family members who are still in your life. Pray for Good for family members who are far away or in different countries and over seas. In all things, pray for good things for other people so that you too can reflect the heart and spirit of God Your Creator who redeems you

But then what ? what to do about such people ? If you have someone who is mean in your life, what should we do ? take out Gods vengeance upon them ? Call fire from heaven ?

There is a passage in scripture that says, Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you, AND Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.

If there is someone who hates you and being mean to you, be kind and show kindness in return. It may seem off, and counter productive. You may think, but you don’t know what they did – they did such and such and they caused this and that to happen – I can not be kind to that – I do not approve of such behaviour.

We not ask nor expect to condone evil of another. But again, lets say you have someone in your life who is always going behind your back and lying about you and slandering you to all the people they know that you know. They trash talk about you to your family and friends and say all sorts of terrible horrible things that are not true about you.

How YOU respond is entirely up to you. Example, Lets say someone was so vindictive and went behind your back and lied about you – accusing you of hitting them and restricting their freedom and accusing you that you hate them because of their nationality, etc etc. Every time you say or do anything – they twist and distort it to make you look bad and falsely accuse you of something that is not true.

You could respond in a number of ways, think which would be most beneficial and productive and not counter productive.

You could: A) Confront them and have a fighting argument confrontation and giving them a piece of your mind.

B) You could go to all the people that they have lied to about you.

C) Completely ignore them as through they are not there, not respond, not retaliate, not justify yourself, literally ignore it as though whatever they said or done never happened. Do not put fuel to their fire.

D) Be nice to them and even generously give them kind hearted gifts. Complement them on something that they have said or done well without any sarcasm.

Sure for deploying OPTION D the first few times you show kindness, they are more than likely to throw it back in your face and mock and degrade you. But if you persist and do it consistently over 12 months. There might be a change in their attitude to you. If not, you may need to deploy OPTION C. Unfortunately this option is a last resort. But do not stop being your loving self. Remember the thief ? Do not let them STEAL the love that is within you and in your heart and mind and words and spirit.

Sometimes OPTION C method is usually the safest option. If someone really has it in for you and even if you tried deploying OPTION D for 12 months or more and they still as angry and as hostile to you as in the beginning, maybe it is best to cut all ties with them, or at least till their rage and hatred towards you is depleted or gone.

Continue to show love and kindness and generosity. Do not allow the character and attitude of others harm or destroy or kill your good kind heart. Let LOVE to ALWAYS in all situations, despite what attitude and response of others, Allow LOVE to ALWAYS rule over your heart mind body and thoughts and spirit. Even towards the wicked.

Remember God does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked – but rather that they turn from their wicked path and ways and live, this should also be our thoughts and attitude towards all peoples, even to those who have done us wrong. Pray for them, do good for them, be kind towards them. Show and share with them your love where possible – if possible.

A simple way would be is to give them something they like. EG, if you know someone who hates you and is mean to you, and you know that they actually likes Butterscotch Biscuits or Almond Chocolate, when shopping, go out of your way to purchase a container of Butterscotch Biscuits or a bar of Almond Chocolate and when you see that person again, say something like – Oh I thought of you the other day, I remembered you like Almond Chocolate and I got this for you. Then give them the bar of Almond Chocolate and then leave, go, say no more, leave it with them and just wait and forget about it. Maybe a week later go do the same thing again, or something similar you know they like. And likewise, once you have given them the gift, back away and say nothing, no response, just give them your gift and walk away. Drop them an occasional complement if you know that they have done something good or you like their new shirt they are wearing. even if 95 % of everything they said and done is evil, yet they done one tiny thing good, complement them on that one thing and only on that one thing an focus on that. Even if it is something as tiny as saying, “Oh that smells nice” when you smell their lunch and it has a nice smell.

May the truth and love of God fill your heart and mid and body and spirit.

New information showing from one university study that people who take the PCR Test can be vaccinated through the PCR Swab Test.

Question, With the Non Working Inappropriate PCR test that was not designed for testing for viruses or colds etc were all created before the viruses or any of the supposed variants were out, yet they still using the same test for all the variants, Yet those doing the testing are unable to tell which of the 12 variants you may have, Impossible to tell which it is, And using the same genetic modifying gene therapy Vaccines that were designed 2 years ago are used for all the different variations. Politicians here are telling people that they now need to be getting at least their 5th jab. ( remember 2 years ago they purchased enough jabs to jab each and every single man and woman and child and baby in Australia with 10 to 20 jabs each. So if you had your 5th, your about a quarter of the way through the jabs they have secured ad purchased for you to get. So as long as you are still alive and not died yet from the jabs, you will always be eligible for another jab, even if you had horrendous damage done by the previous ones.

New video of a FATHER banging on the door of a vaccination clinic which killed his child.

This is a 2 minute and 8 second video below the voice over person drops the F word at the 1:13 mark, 1:44 mark, 1:56 mark, So if you sensitive to the F word, please mute the sound a couple seconds before them time markers.

More than ever MEN need to stand up to protect their family, their wife and children and themselves. Men stand up for your family, defend them, be the strong RIGHT ARM and let them know that they are safe with you. Ensure this does not happen to your children. Millions are dying due to this jibbie jibbiee. For the love of God please do not let this what happen in the video happen to your family.

The Time is NOW to stand up to protect your children, their game plan is for them to get your children. You are in their way, They already have the concentration camps built in Australia. They want your children for Adrenochrome. They want you out of their way so they can have pizza and hotdogs. DADS & MUMS STAND UP FOR YOUR CHILDREN.

Do Not Fight Each Other. Stand United For The Sake Of Your Children. Unite Together To Defend Each Other. They Want Your Family Separated and If Possible Your Children Registered Through Family Court Or Ward Of The State.

New Horrific Videos In Various Video Page

Because You Are Loved So Very Much ! !

Magna Carta 1215

Magna Carta 1297

1841 Court Case New South Wales

1901 Australia Constitution

Strawman – Are You Or Are You Not A Strawman ?


Is Australia full of spineless & gutless wonders ?

Australian health ministers saying to those who have had 2 doses of jabs now need to get 4 or 5 or more doses of jabs.

They are stating that now 2 dose jabs are not enough.

Say What – They are 100 % serious.

Don’t worry – all politicians are 100 % exempt – they do not need to get any – not even the first.

However they want you to have 4 or 5 or more – according to the various state health ministers of Australia.

Other countries are winding back their mandates.

Did you know all of the laws of Australia must be inline with the Australia Constitution ?

Did you know that if government pass a bill into law and it becomes law, but if that law contradicts the constitution – then that law passed by government is 100% invalid and unenforceable.

Did you know that if a member of parliament or an officer or any official tries to enforce that law is in violation of the Australian constitution and is called treason by the law and penalty is actually life in jail.

Did you know the Australian constitution can not be changed unless 3 criteria is met, first is each state has to have a referendum whether it is to be changed or not – outlining what exactly is to be changed. Second the majority of all the people in a state of Australia must agree to it for that state to agree to the change, and thirdly majority of the states must agree.

Eg, if 4.3 million in Victoria – 5.4 million in New South Wales – 3.5 million in Queensland – 600,000 in South Australia – 850,000 in Western Australia – 200,000 in Tasmania all agree to change the constitution.

The constitution would not be changed because slightly over half the people did not agree to the changes in South Australia – Western Australia and Tasmania.

The majority of the votes of the majority of the states must agree, not just the majority of the bigger states population.

Here is 2 examples which you can look up and research yourself

Under the constitution based on magna carta 1215 etc, the government nor any official can disolve a marriage / grant a divorce of any marriage unless both partys in the marriage agrees. Meaning if Husband or wife wanted a divorce but their spouse does not want a divorce ( does not agree or concent to divorce ) and the official granted the divorce – that is high treason under the law punishable by life in prison, and the divorce is invalid. The marriage remains legally in tact because it requires both the Husband and the Wife to agree to the divorce.

Also if the government makes law that in order to participate in any part of society or go or do anything that you would be required to partake in some medical procedure such as requiring to take a certain medication or tablet or injection or surgical procedure is also high treason punishable by life in prison whether it be done by state or federal government.

Did you know that under commonwealth law that the only way they can claim any new land as apart of the commonwealth is it must meet 3 criteria.

Example: when Captain Cook “Discovered” Australia and “Australia” and subsequently claimed on behalf of England and the king / queen of England. The new land can only be claimed providing it calls into these 3 categories before it can be claimed.

  1. The land must be uninhabited / not owned by someone else, nobody on that land – the aboriginals were there so they could not claim Australia land under that criteria.
  2. If the land is occupied by someone else ( such as it was in Australia case with the aboriginals, then the aboriginals must have voluntarily surrendered ownership of the land and given it to England. That they never did so England was not able to claim Australia under that criteria.
  3. If England went to war and a battle took place to win the land through conquering the previous owners, that never happened so England can not claim Australia land through that criteria.

For Australia to become a Federation in 1901 it needed to have legal authority of ownership of the land of Australia prior to 1901, it did not have this..

Under Australia law which derived from England which by default got carried over when all the states became a commonwealth in 1901, all state laws continued as well as federal law from the laws of England, the laws from England they were operating under at the time was what is commonly known as “Common Law” which greatly limited the authority of the government over the people. It makes the government basically care takers to administer some civil matters where the people had authority over the government through the bill of rights in the 1600’s and the 1215 and 1297 magna carta, which is where the constitution was governed under ( meaning no law introduced can supersede the law rights of the pre existing ( which today it seems todays law violates the laws preceding it which makes the later law invalid )) AND no law can be brought in to hold back or restrict or impose upon the people. The government has no authority to make laws binding on the people. For a government to make a law imposing on and restricting the rights and freedoms of the people would be a law of treason with life in jail punishments according to the law of the land.

NEW VIDEO – Brisbane / Queensland Health / Queensland Hospital Inside Story / Mass Genocide

Image below source.

Story Source Below.

NZ cops ignore PM Ardern will investigate hundreds of Covid mRNA vaxx-related deaths

JUL 19

Posted by Editor, cairnsnews

Too many children have died from the vaxxsome names below

From Waikanae Watch

Jacinda Arden has been left reeling after New Zealand police look set to launch a possible probe into the unusually high number of deaths that have occurred since Covid jabs were rolled out across the country.

Medical professionals across New Zealand have penned a formal letter to police requesting that an official investigation is opened into the jab-related deaths.

New Zealand Police will defy PM Mr Ardern and investigate hundreds of vaxx related deaths

An unredacted version of the letter from the New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science (NZDSOS) is being prepared for the police.

“There is a shockingly large burden of deaths and injuries following the Covid-19 vaccines, of itself and compared to any other treatment or vaccine in modern times,” NZDSOS said in a statement.

“We report many cases that DEMAND proper investigation, as befits any medication lacking safety studies.”

“Our surveillance systems have been disabled in order to hide the extent of harm. Adverse event reporting is NOT COMPULSORY, and this alone undermines any attempt to portray the injections as safe. CARM was never designed to early warn about experimental drugs rolled out to massive numbers,” NZDSOS stated.

“Children and young people are dying and suffering particularly cardiac injuries (though many healthy elderly have died too), whilst their risk from covid-19 is particularly low. We believe we are being lied to. We present many cases halfway down this post,” the letter added.

“We appeal AGAIN to the Police, headed by Andrew Coster, and our MPs, to intervene to protect the People,” the letter asked.

“There is an evolving humanitarian crisis, and the government, Police, vaccine industry and most doctors are lost at sea. For God’s sake, people, let’s make our Police and MPs put a stop to this now!” reports: The letter highlighted certain deaths that were pulled from the Citizen’s Database. The deceased were mostly young adults, some of whom were even children, and they passed away unexpectedly and suddenly, according to the Rio Times.

In many cases, their deaths were caused by blood clots in the brain or the heart. Below are some of the names listed:

((((((( There was so many that I did not put that part of the story on this website, For the terrifying full list, please check the original story at )))))))

UK PM – Estonia PM – Sri Lanka PM – Italy PM – Belgium PM – Argentinian PM – All resigned on the same day including Japan PM execution on the same day. WHY ?

Yet they all / most been double and tripple jabbed so they supposedly not supposed to get that C19 – Whats going on ?

And why the overwhelming majority who have not been jabbed not getting this C19 ?

And why are jabbed people barred / banned / not permitted to be blood doners ?

So if you are in South Australia, According to Corporations Law of the South Australia Police if you are a freemason or preparing food for human consumption or a scottish association or have some religious purpose, then you maybe exempted from, well look below.

To view the image above website, its free online to view at

Then click on the “+” at “Prohibited weapons exemptions” on the right.


Go to

Then click on “Services and events” at the top menu.

A new menu list will appear on the Left.

Click on the menu item on the left called “Firearms and weapons”.

Scroll down the dropdown menu that appears and click on “Prohibited weapons, items and explosives”.

A new menu of items will appear on the Right.

Then click on the “+” at “Prohibited weapons exemptions” on the right.

You will see what is displayed below.

Then ask yourself – WHY ?

An Anglican, Baptist, Christadelphian, Evangelical, budist, hindu, muslem will not be able to get exemptions, but a freemason can because they are a freemason.

If you prepare food for human consumption each day ( for your family and / or yourself and / or for a job ) does that mean you qualify for an exemption ?

Have we as a human species lost the ability to think and reason ?

Lets look at a hypothetical scenario,

  1. February 2020 Australia hears of a new deadly disease / virus that is so deadly that perfectly healthy people were walking the streets and then just collapsing and falling over dead.
  2. February 2020 Australia ask for sample of the virus from china which china declines the request.
  3. February 2020 Australia and the rest of the world have absolutely no idea what this new virus looks like or anything about its make up. Or how it is put together
  4. One day later Australia has the virus and is growing a sample of it in a laboratory which they got from a returning traveler from china to Australia who was infected by the virus and were able to isolate it.
  5. How lucky Australia was to knew what to look for and where to look for it and how to find it and how to isolate it from a single infected traveler who showed no symptoms when they had no idea what they were looking for – looking for a nano particle from a random free traveler. Amazing.
  6. There was no test at this time to test whether or not someone had this virus disease.
  7. A day later Australia distributes the virus they had extracted to all over the world.
  8. Within one week the various toxic chemical makers had a cure vaccine for this new virus which they had apparently previously had no idea of its existence ( although it was registered and patented virus in 2018 and called c o v i d 19 )
  9. According to all reports at the time they manufactured the vaccine within that one week with a combination of modified human body cells and a virus from a chimpanzees and with aids and Nano technologies.
  10. One week later after making the vaccine they are now injecting it into peoples arms
  11. No testing was done to check its effectiveness or its safety
  12. Workers at the factory who made and manufactured this vaccine says its not safe and there is no way they would take it
  13. The manufacturers say it creates only one part of a virus which causes blood clots which could cause all sorts of other health issues
  14. Manufacturers who made the vaccine saying that your natural immunity would be 1000 times better and safer than the actual vaccine that they had made
  15. Politicians take this new chemical and try to ram it down the arms of every single man and woman and child and baby in their country except for all politicians and government employees
  16. People in their millions all around the world are dying and getting very sick and tremors and 9 pages worth of severe detrimental health issues after receiving the new vaccine
  17. Doctors gets many thousands of $$ after administering for every person who they give the deadly vaccine to, including benefits should they die and get burred
  18. Yet for some reason people are still promoting this and people are still lining up to get multiple doses of this think they know is killing and severely injuring themselves and their family and friends
  19. This virus is so deadly and so highly contagious that you will die within a day or 2 or 3 according to all the media in 2020
  20. Reports say you will not know you get it and you can be dead in 2 to 3 days after getting it.
  21. If you suspected of getting it, all political and media and medical advice is to stay home and not get any treatment for it
  22. You are to stay home for 14 days if you may have this deadly disease
  23. If you get test which test whether you have have antibodies in you to test whether you have a totally unrelated thing such as a virus ( a ph test like as in school ) and if you test positive ( which some tap water will test positive for for this supposed virus via using the PH test, and so will virtually all soft drinks and fruits will test positive using this this PH test ) you are required to isolate for 14 days
  24. You get told that warm water – soapy water – sunlight – acidic fruit and vegetables will destroy this supposed virus.
  25. You are told this virus is an airborne virus which goes into the lungs and nose, yet they say you need a vaccine that will go into your arms muscle – yet actually goes into the blood stream for a virus that is supposed to be in your lungs
  26. You would be demanded to stay home for 14 days with no treatment of any kind, not even with any proven effective over the counter medication which will eradicate any viral infection
  27. If this were a real scenario wouldn’t this be counter productive ?
  28. Would you not take preventative measures such as going out in the sunlight which apparently destroys the virus, have warm and hot showers and baths which also destroys the virus, and eat healthy foods which also destroys the viruses according to the politicians and media outlets, and also have proven safe and effective anti viral anti bacterial medication that has been in use by hundreds of millions of people over the past 50 years, instead of isolating yourself from the rest of the world with no treatment for 14 days ?
  29. When in the past has any deadly virus or disease that was so highly contagious and deadly that they for their own good told to not get any treatments but infact to go away and isolate for 14 days and not take any other medication ?

Even though I am saying this is a hypothetical situation,

What would you do if this scenario were a true occurrence ?

You Remember Strawman ? Your Strawman Birth Certificate are brought and sold on the stock exchange each day on the stock market.

Important News Below

When is the LYING Palachook going to get plucked and stop destroying QLD ?

Looks like the first 4 jabs are not working as Queenslanders are heading towards putting out another 5th jab for people as the release of the variants they said about 3 to 6 months ago are now being propagated within main stream media as their profits from the pharma industries increase. 2 more teenagers died after getting the P jab. Gold Coast & hospitals around Queensland are under great strain ( media reports stating decimated ) as their hospital shortage of staff due to no jab no job, the never been isolated or seen in a clinical or lab or paltry dish of the C19 ( only on a computer created ) – QLD health are now saying over 700 have the so called C19 ( all previous variations seems to be no longer showing up once their “New Variations” hit the media waves ) including a very large % of Queensland health staff off due to the supposed common household cold which is now everything is classified as C19, no longer does anyone have influenza or any other cold or flu or sickness for the past 2 years, completely eradicated all other illness and sickness and viruses. According to big pharma about 6 months to a year ago they forecast there will be a few more viruses coming at the later part of this year – which has arrived just on time as predicted.

Apparently Monkey pox is getting a new name change due to too many people seeing through the charade of the lies which was only something they had conducted as a test run in 2018 in their 201 project using a made up virus called monkey pox

Although politicians are wanting you to take the 5th jab ( of which 2 and a half years ago they had secured 10 to 20 jabs for each and every single man and woman and child and baby in the entire country ), they are now getting to the half way mark of the booked jabs they ordered, This jab is the same one they invented only week after they heard the C19 was supposedly existed

How many jabs of the same thing are you wanting and willing to take ? While the number of those dying due to the jab are increasing “VARS” VARS Under reporting is at least 100 to 1, according to what we hear from a few sources because medical staff are so short staff and they say thats getting in the way of what they do, so they are A) not reporting to VARS, or B) some health professionals never knew it existed. Check VARS.

If the first 4 does not work but only causes more people to die and have myocarditis and aneurisms and pericarditis and stroke and white ropes to grow in veins and arteries. How much longer ? are you prepared to get your 10th jab ? are you to get your monthly and bimonthly jabs are the politicians are wanting you to take while they themselves are exempted from having any.

Or as Anastasia Palechook always showing a fony baloney fake shots where the syringe dispenser still always has its cap on when put anywhere near her wing / arm.

Queensland on the onslaught of the propaganda war, and weather manipulation and vaccine aerial spraying warfare.

Is it time for Queenslanders to leave Queensland to find a home elsewhere ? or is it time for them to stand their ground and fight back against government mandates ( which is not a law, nor is it binding ) REMEMBER Mandates is a corporate contractual agreement if both party’s agree, its a contractual agreement between 2 party’s of certain agreement, YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO AGREE – IT IS NOT MANDITORY.

Queensland supreme court case looking into the “safety” of the V and are calling for people who have been injured by the V to come forth ( there is thousands and thousands of them. How many people do you know who have had severe health issues caused by the jabs ? we have known many, some hospitalized with the same conditions as the others, know others who know people who have died and / or had serious injuries, severe pins and needles, severe continual body shakes, heart problems are becoming the new normal throughout the world as many people seem to be dying from heart problems, its now has a name “SADS” Sudden Adult Death Syndrome”

Important News Below

From Stephen Andrew – MP for Marani 🇦🇺😕👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 🆘️🆘️🆘️


New legislation introduced in Queensland, the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022, will greatly enhance the government regulator’s powers for censoring doctors in Queensland.
The Bill grants APHRA new and unprecedented powers for coercively silencing doctors who stray from the officially mandated ‘narrative’ and will prevent vital information ever reaching the ears of the Queensland public.

The new bill overturns centuries of medical ethics by replacing the principle that a doctor’s loyalty must, first and foremost, be to the well-being of their patient, and replacing it with a new principle, that of upholding and safeguarding ‘public trust’ and ‘confidence’ in public health authorities.

The Explanatory Notes say the regulatory body will be free to take action against a doctor in any way it deems “necessary or convenient” to ‘safeguard’ public confidence and safety.

The Bill also gives APHRA the power to publicly ‘name and shame’ doctors before they have even been found guilty of anything.

This robs Qld doctors of their rights as citizens to the ‘presumption of innocence’, ‘natural justice’ and ‘due process’.

It also takes away a doctor’s right to practice their profession without political harassment or interference.

This is a very dangerous, slippery slope for medical care in Queensland.

Doctors should be free to engage in clinical debate on the effectiveness of treatment options and to advise their patients honestly on any matter raised during a doctor-patient consultation.

If doctors aren’t allowed to discuss alternatives to standardised medical options in Qld, then the legal requirements for informed consent can’t be satisfied and the standard care for their patients will suffer.

If we aren’t careful, health protocols in Queensland will no longer be based on experience and evidence-based medicine, but on the diktats of government health officials and regulators who have never treated a single patient in their lives.

By delegating such unlimited powers to AHPRA, the Government has virtually handed them a blank cheque to do whatever they like.
There are no clear avenues for appeal or redress in the bill, for doctors unfairly targeted by AHPRA, even when subsequently cleared of all wrongdoing.

It is also important to note that AHPRA is an unelected, bureaucratic agency that answers to absolutely no-one.

This means that nothing they say or do is subject to questioning, verification or independent review by any jurisdiction in the country.

APHRA must not be given the last word on what ‘truth’ in medicine is. There must always be room for ‘dissenting’ views and debate in a healthy and functioning democracy.

Stephen Andrew

Revelations 12:12

Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time

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Amongst growing controversy UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigns & Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe assassinated & Georgia Stones Destroyed & Australian government ministers promoting people to take 4 to 5 jabs minimum “or more”.

South East Queensland ( south of Brisbane ) Still Getting Reports Of Continual Toxic Nano MRNA Technology Spraying Of The Community Infecting Many.

The Report They Wanted To Hide For Over 70 Years

SAVE Your Children


My Body My Choice

My Body My Choice


Do you know what a STRAWMAN is ?

What STRAWMAN are you representing ?

You ARE REPRESENTING a STRAWMAN whether you know it or not.

Learn YOUR rights.

Learn who YOU are legally.







Petrol Products In Women & Babies Who Have Received Injections & No Immunity

Did You Know That AIDS And Covid Are Copyright Patented Viruses

Did You Know Natural Occurring Things Can Not Be Copyright Or Patented

Only Man Made Things Can Be Copyright Patented

Don’t Forget LRAD and other devices which were used in Canberra against men – women and children which literally cooked their bodies and burned and blisters all over their bodys and internal injuries throughout their bodys in February 2022.

CERN colliderscope Scientist have in their experiments have discovered things they had never thought they would find. They have had things come from their experiments which was never expected or even imagined possible. It so hard and strange to believe as from an outsider looking inwards. Though they say many are experiencing apparitions and manifestations of spiritual beings coming through their experiments and guiding them to do things that they would have never thought of or looked at before. One would question them as to what these spiritual beings that are appearing that are coming through these experiments, and what are these spiritual beings guiding them to do to develop their experiments in ( as to what they are saying ) opening porthole dimensions to other dimensions and realities and bringing in beings from other dimensions into that of our own world.

Simply put, they are saying that through the CERN experiments that they are some how opening portholes to other dimensions and beings from other dimensions are entering into our own world dimension where you and I are living in this world reality. They are saying that these entities are guiding them to do bigger and bolder experiments which some say could destroy this world and universe, but all the more are they saying it is to create a much bigger massive port hole to bring in other beings from other dimensions into our world by creating a porthole which they all can come through.

They are saying that some beings are already come through and here with us now and are guiding parts of the experiments, and how now there is some occult rituals and ceremonies being carried out by those in charge and who are participating in the collideerscope experiments. Similar to the long grand opening ceremony they did when opening the tunnel from Germany to Switzerland tunnel where the hour long ceremony literally was a worship service dedicated to lucifer open to all to see.

Quercetin Nigella sativa seed

The WHo Wef informing us that there going to be multiple types of so called viruses pandemics are coming in the future and that they have the MRNA “vaccines” already for them to force inject everyone on the planet have them bring the global population of 1 billion people.

Rome D.U.M.B.S. destroyed

UK PM Boris Johnson and 40 other MP’s resign

French PM maybe resigning

Japan Leader Assassinated

Joe Biden under investigation and may soon be either Impeached / Step Down / Forced Out Of Office / Arrested / Replaced With Different President ( NOT Kamala Harris )

8 Victoria MP’s Resign within 6 Months

Charges Against Daniel Andrews

Many Other World Leaders Starting To Step Down / Taken Out Of Power

Numerous Earth Quakes Around The World In Various Locations 1 km & 10 km Under Ground

VARS Statistics due to staff shortages only 1 in 100 cases are registered.

Why has over 50% of everyone who has taken Remdesivir dies within a day or 2. While the others suffer from severe organ damages

The people of the Netherlands have GOT BALLS ! ! ! Where Are Yours Located ? ?

Now isn’t this a weird one – The unjabbed are not allowed to work because they are unjabbed and healthy, and the jabbed can not work because they are sick.